Off to the forest

I'll be away helping to maintain the forest at Cittaviveka Buddhist Monastery, in Hampshire, home of a practising community within a Thai forest tradition. 

Classes will resume on Monday 31st August.

In my absence there will be a class at Yoga Place on Wednesday 26th August, taught by Roxanne.

Solstice Salutations!

The GoldenYoga Summer Solstice Retreat
What an idyll we co-created, gracious gratitude to all who came.
Such a privilege to play in profound and yet so light a way…

parmoor 6.17
Parmoor 6.17 trik
Parmoor 6.17 up dog lawn
Parmoor 6.17 group tree
Parmoor 6.17 dog leg up
Parmoor 6.17 med sun hat

Yoga park play; shark fin assisted backbend

Playgrounds provide a rich terrain of exploration. This wooden shark swims in a playground near a new 1-1 client. Here's the first in what may well evolve into a series of fin assisted back bends.

I need to plant my feet to rise back up supported...

Playgrounds provide a rich terrain of exploration. This wooden shark swims in a playground near a new 1-1 client. Here's the first in what may well evolve into a series of fin assisted back bends. I need to plant my feet to rise back up supported...